Vices: Addictive activity that robs the very thing it promises to provide.
Our world is full of dangerous vices, and our sinful nature seems drawn to them. Add to that the fact that our enemy is powerful, HATES us, wants to ruin and destroy us, and is the father of lies… this world can be a tricky place to navigate. But there’s hope!
How is your sense of direction? Do you have a story of getting or feeling lost?
What did you take away from the message this week?
Why do you think vices are so common, so normal, when we know how dangerous they are?
What do you think are the biggest reasons people first start doing things that can lead them to being addicted to a vice?
Share an example of your own or someone you know (without using names) who has struggled with a vice. \\ Either a story where a vice took someone out - ruined marriage, lost career, or even lost life. Or, a story of victory, recovery or healing.
How can we best influence the next generation and raise our own kids to not be mastered by anything?