You need church.
Church needs you.
Adventure Outpost
Hep the youngest Mission attendees get their first glimpses of God’s love while Mom and Dad attend weekend services and/or special events.
Mission Kids
Help kindergarten through fourth graders find and follow Jesus on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.
Help high school age students follow Jesus at Sunday Evening gatherings or midweek small group (core).
Help fifth through eighth graders follow Jesus at Sunday morning and Wednesday evening gatherings.
Baptism Team
Help facilitate weekend baptisms at Mission.
Mission Café
Help serve quality coffee to thirsty Mission attendees.
Celebrate Recovery
Help individuals with hurts, habits, and hangups experience recovery in Jesus.
Help communicate weekly happenings of all Mission events and ministries to all Mission attendees.
Communion Team
Help facilitate monthly communion services at Mission.
Help individuals who have experienced divorce find healing in Jesus.
Help plan and pull off service opportunities that impact our local community.
Facilities Team
Help maintain and improve the physical locations of Mission Bible Church.
First Impressions
Help everyone who walks through our doors feel welcomed.
Food Pantry
Help pack and serve food and groceries to those in need in our community.
Mercy Team
Help provide resources to those with financial need.
Setup Team
Help make “portable” church happen at our weekly Mission Morris services and other events like Church In The Park.
Mission Women
Help facilitate events and gatherings across many Mission Women ministry opportunities.
Help operate video, lighting, and audio equipment to create atmospheres of worship at online and in-person Mission gatherings.
Real Life Group Host
Help in hosting small groups of people in homes to build community and grow closer to Jesus together.
Help in facilitating small groups of married couples through Re|Engage course material.
Security/Safety Team
Help secure Mission Bible Church campuses, respond quickly to incidents, and protect Mission guests and attendees.
Social Team
Help plan, prepare, and host social events for various Mission ministries.
Help make the best week of the summer happen!
Wellsprings of Freedom
Help facilitate prayer sessions.
Worship Arts
Help lead our church in worship through vocal or instrumental music.
Not Sure?
If you want to get plugged in but aren’t sure where to start, hit the button below. We’ll connect you with the right service opportunity for you!