God’s outlook and design for sex have always been countercultural. Our culture is starting to “catch up” with regard to the concept of living together before marriage. The Gospel not only showcases the different choices a Christ follower is called to make but also provides an abundance of grace for all of us who have crossed the line in the wrong direction. There is no condemnation for anyone in Christ, only inspiration. Inspiration to join His path today, leaving the past behind.
What was the most awkward date you've had or have heard about?
What did you take away from the message this week?
76% of couples have lived together before marriage. Before hearing that statistic, what would've been your percentage guess? Higher or lower?
In your opinion, what are some of the reasons living together before marriage has grown 900% in the last five decades?
God's design and command for sex (as something exclusively to be experienced within the covenant of marriage) can seem prudish or protective. How have you felt personally about Scripture's standard?
How have you observed people who have crossed lines in this area recover and return to God's design?
Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation for those who have been forgiven by Jesus. What difference does it make in a person's life to be free from past shame? How does that inspire a person to want to follow God?